STLE Forms Library

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  • Save a draft of your work if you would like to finish at a later date.
  • To make changes to the information you submitted, please request to edit the submission / If you need to make changes to your form, please withdraw your submission and resubmit.
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  • We will follow-up with you about your submission by email. Please be sure to safelist notification emails from Submittable and check the email you used to sign up for your Submittable Account regularly.

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Check out the Submitter Resource Center or contact Submittable Customer Support.

This form is used for nonmember speakers and presenters at the STLE Annual Meeting.  Individual members should register directly online to receive correct pricing.

Thank you very much for serving as a member of the STLE volunteer leadership in 2023.  You are one of more than 300 people from across North America and around the world who generously provide our organization with the energy to pursue its vision of being the foremost technical society in tribology, lubrication engineering and related sciences.

STLE volunteers serve in a variety of capacities and represent a wide range of companies and organizations.  This type of involvement would not be possible without the support of your employer.  We would like to demonstrate STLE’s appreciation for this commitment by sending a letter of thanks to the appropriate person.  Simply complete the form and STLE will send a letter. 

Thank you for your participation in the Member Highlights project. Member Highlights will be a new feature on the STLE homepage starting in 2024. The idea is to highlight the wonderful work/research our members are doing while also promoting STLE Membership.

Please fill out the following questions in the Member Highlights form. Take as much space as needed to answer each question. In addition to your responses, please provide a high-resolution image of yourself no smaller than 300x400 pixels in png or jpg file format. We will use the image to create a nice graphic banner that will link to your page with answers. This will all be archived on the STLE website.

IMPORTANT: Please complete and return this form to STLE Headquarters.

Please note if you are reporting in a currency other than US dollars. (Example: Canadian dollars) Please annotate the dollar amounts received and monies paid for separate functions such as social activities, education courses, /technical meetings. etc. The fiscal year beginning balance (July 1st) in the main checking account plus monies received (revenues) minus monies paid (expenses) should equal the fiscal year ending balance (June 30th) in the main checking account.

Applications are reviewed by members of the Early Career Committee with the assistance from the STLE Presidential Council, who are not affiliated with the organizations from which the application is submitted. Late or incomplete applications are not accepted.

Application are evaluated on the following criteria:

  • The applicant meets all criteria listed 
  • Quality and originality of the research
  • Contributions to academic/industrial community and the filed of tribology
  • Promise for future contributions to the field of tribology
  • Only one applicant per research group receives support for each conference
  • Has not received the Early Career Award previously

Award Criteria:

Student: At the time of the application deadline, the applicant is currently enrolled and in good standing in a BS, MS, or Ph.D. program at a university. Students graduating in April or May of the same year as STLE will be evaluated in the student category.

Postdoctoral Researcher: At the time of the application deadline, the applicant is currently employed as a postdoctoral researcher at an academic, national lab, or industry setting. The applicant must be within five years of receiving a doctoral degree.

Academic Professional: At the time of the application deadline, the applicant is currently employed as an Assistant Professor (or equivalent) at a degree-granting institution. If the applicant holds a tenure-track position, the applicant must be pre- tenure. If the applicant holds a non-tenure- track position, then the applicant must be within five years of starting employment as an Assistant Professor (or equivalent).

Industry Professional: At the time of the application deadline, the applicant is currently employed at a non-degree- granting institution, such as a corporation or a national lab. The applicant must be within five years of starting his/her post-PhD employment.

Applications are reviewed by members of the Early Career Committee with the assistance from the STLE Presidential Council, who are not affiliated with the organizations from which the application is submitted. Late or incomplete applications are not accepted.

Application are evaluated on the following criteria:

  • The applicant meets all criteria listed 
  • Quality and originality of the research
  • Contributions to academic/industrial community and the filed of tribology
  • Promise for future contributions to the field of tribology
  • Only one applicant per research group receives support for each conference
  • Has not received the Early Career Award previously

Award Criteria:

Student: At the time of the application deadline, the applicant is currently enrolled and in good standing in a BS, MS, or Ph.D. program at a university. Students graduating in April or May of the same year as STLE will be evaluated in the student category.

Postdoctoral Researcher: At the time of the application deadline, the applicant is currently employed as a postdoctoral researcher at an academic, national lab, or industry setting. The applicant must be within five years of receiving a doctoral degree.

Academic Professional: At the time of the application deadline, the applicant is currently employed as an Assistant Professor (or equivalent) at a degree-granting institution. If the applicant holds a tenure-track position, the applicant must be pre- tenure. If the applicant holds a non-tenure- track position, then the applicant must be within five years of starting employment as an Assistant Professor (or equivalent).

Industry Professional: At the time of the application deadline, the applicant is currently employed at a non-degree- granting institution, such as a corporation or a national lab. The applicant must be within five years of starting his/her post-PhD employment.

Please use this form to request badges for your booth staff.

This request form will create Exhibit Hall Only badges for your staff who are working in the exhibit hall at your booth and grant access to use the lead retrieval system.  Our new lead retrieval system is built into the STLE mobile app.  You are allowed 4 booth staff per 10x10 booth.

Enhancing your company’s profile and maximizing its ability to tap into the services of the lubricant industry’s premier technical society is what STLE’s Corporate Membership Program is all about. Becoming an STLE Corporate Member means access to many of STLE’s best marketing features, educational offerings and professional networking services—all at significant savings to your company.

Already a value-rich benefits structure, STLE’s Corporate Membership program has been enhanced to offer an increased number of reasons to join. Both the CM Basic program and the new CM Premium option extend a variety of opportunities to connect with the Society and raise your company’s profile

Individuals must satisfy at least 3 of 14 requirements by providing documentation for each and pay a renewal fee if you are under 9 years of holding your certification.   If you have had your certification for 9 years or more, please simply pay your renewal fee and submit an employer letter verifying employment.  

You may save your work and list your requirements as you complete them.

Requires a current official school transcript.  Available to full-time undergraduate or graduate students in an accredited academic institution majoring in physics, chemistry, engineering or other related technical or scientific disciplines.

Each month TLT publishes a short interview with an STLE member or intriguing person in the lubricants/tribology community. The person should have an interesting job or be considered a leading figure in his or her field.

There are no restrictions on who is a good candidate. Subjects can come from any area involving lubrication engineering or tribology—manufacturers, engineers, sales/marketing personnel, academicians, researchers, search-firm executives or industry leaders.

Please identify an interesting person whom you think would make a good subject for a 20 Minutes interview. Contacting this individual to see if he or she is willing to be profiled is mandatory before submitting their name. This also is a good time to ask the individual about key topics to discuss.

You should provide the person’s name, organization, job title and the reasons why you think this individual would make a good interview subject. In addition, please provide 4-5 “starter” questions to get the interview rolling. The questions you submit should relate to the person’s work or research. The idea is to find an engaging person and get him or her to discuss the technical aspects of their work. Please let your candidate know that he or she also will submit questions, guiding the direction of the article, and have final approval of the content. Click here to read a 20 Minutes interview article from 2022.

Questions should not relate to the person’s hobbies, family or non-work related interests. 20 Minutes is designed to be an informative article that provides technical information.

Each TLT feature article should be an in-depth exploration of a technical aspect in your area of expertise. These articles should include interviews with individuals who are technical and/or industry leaders in their field.

However, feature articles do not necessarily have to be about something new. They also can include a focus on important concepts or information that, while not new, have stood the test of time. Many STLE members are novices to the field of lubrication and need exposure to established ideas, concepts and information. TLT feature articles are an excellent place to discuss new ideas and developments and/or debate current theories or accepted practices.

Often features can be on a highly specific, narrowly defined topic. Identifying and describing a trend in lubrication engineering is an excellent concept for a feature.

Feature articles should be objective in nature and explore all sides of a technical issue. Sharing information and letting the reader make up his or her own mind is a good approach for a TLT feature article. Articles should not focus on specific brands or mention manufacturer names.

TLT feature articles should describe, discuss and debate:

  • New ideas, concepts and theories
  • Emerging technologies
  • New procedures
  • Trends relating to the group’s area of expertise
  • Issues of current interest.

Sample headlines from past TLT features include:

  • “Selecting Rolling Element Bearings for Modern Applications”
  • “Clean Grease is not An Oxymoron”
  • “Rethinking the Base Stock Equation”
  • “Hard-driving Lubrication: The Tribology of Computer Hard Drives”
  • “The Future of Sealing Technology”
  • “Air Compressor Lubricants: The Next Generation”
  • “Nanotribology: The Science of Thinking Small”
  • “Gas To Liquid: Transforming the Future of Lubricant Production”

This TLT editorial component is a short monthly survey of STLE’s membership. The idea is to elicit opinions, recommendations and information relating to a topic that most or all of the magazine’s readership can address.

Each month’s Sounding Board is comprised of three or four questions, all of which should address the same topic. The first type is an open-ended (opinion) question that requires a written response. The second type is a quantitative question that can be answered by checking a box, either Yes/No or multiple-choice.

Examples of open-ended questions:

• Please describe the most impressive piece of technology you’ve encountered in the past year.

• Please describe a recurring tribology headache you’ve encountered and the resolution of the problem.

• Briefly describe your organization’s success in establishing and using lubrication-scheduling programs.

• Please describe any techniques or practices that have helped you control contamination of lubricants.

• Please describe a tribological problem that you solved using synthetic lubricants.

• Please describe the greatest benefits to be derived from the development of a multipurpose/universal oil.

Examples of quantitative questions:

• Other than cost, have you noticed any negative effects when using synthetic lubricants? Yes/No

• What is the single greatest source of contamination? 

  • Enters through seals
  • Added through other lubricants
  • Internal generation through rust/corrosion

• Which statement best describes how easy it was to implement your lubrication-scheduling program?

  • Piece of cake
  • Some bumps in the road
  • Turf wars with people who want to do things “the old way”
  • Nightmare on Elm Street: Part VIII

• Do you think dedicating resources to develop multipurpose oils/fluids is a good idea, or should those resources be devoted to other resource projects?

  • Develop multipurpose oils
  • Devote those resources to other research projects.

Each month TLT publishes a short interview with an STLE member or intriguing person in the lubricants/tribology community. Candidates should have an interesting job or be considered a leading figure in his or her field. Click here to read a 20 Minutes interview article from 2022.
There are no restrictions on who is a good candidate. Subjects can come from any area involving lubrication engineering or tribology—manufacturers, engineers, sales/marketing personnel, academicians, researchers, search-firm executives or industry leaders.
The idea is to find an engaging person and get the candidate to discuss the technical aspects of their work. The candidate will have final approval of the content as well.
Questions and answers should not relate to the person’s hobbies, family or non-work related interests. 20 Minutes is designed to be an informative article that provides technical information.
We are looking for candidates for the 2025 TLT editorial calendar. Are you interested in being featured in TLT’s 20 Minutes interview article? If so, please complete the form and questionnaire below for a possible opportunity to be featured. We will contact you if you've been accepted for publication.

The Raymond L. Thibault Excellence in Education Award is presented to an STLE member who has demonstrated dedication to passionate and influential work as an educator in practical aspects of tribology and lubrication engineering, which benefits the STLE community.
STLE will present the award winner with a plaque at the society's Annual Meeting.
The required letter must emphasize the candidate’s dedication and influential work, with examples and details, as an educator in practical aspects of tribology and lubrication.

The STLE International Award is the Society's highest technical honor and bestows lifetime honorary membership on the recipient, who need not have been a member of STLE. It is given in recognition of the recipient's outstanding contributions in tribology, lubrication engineering or allied fields and shall be presented at the STLE Annual Meeting.

Nomination Process
The nomination package should include three letters of support emphasizing the candidate's technical achievements in the field of tribology and lubrication engineering, submitted from individuals familiar with the candidate's accomplishments. Biographical information, which include a detailed Curriculum Vitae (e.g., a summary of research accomplishments, degrees held and their granting institutions, and positions held during the candidate's professional career.) Candidate documentation must be submitted by December 1, 2024. Selection announced approximately February 1 of the following year.

Questions? Contact Karl Phipps,

The purpose of the STLE Elmer E. Klaus Fellowship is to encourage graduate students to pursue graduate degrees or a career in tribology by providing an opportunity for them to participate in tribology research. The applicant must be enrolled in a graduate engineering or science curriculum at the time research is started.

The Klaus Fellowship provides $5,500 to the recipient in which $4,000 will be awarded initially. The remaining $1,500 will be awarded to the recipient upon receipt of their research report to STLE, which will be published in Tribology & Lubrication Technology (TLT) magazine, the official publication of STLE. The recipient will also be recognized at the STLE Annual Meeting.

Selection is based on letter of recommendation from faculty advisor, relevance of the research to tribology, and quality of the proposed research experience.

The purpose of the STLE E. Richard Booser Scholarship is to encourage undergraduate students to pursue graduate degrees or a career in tribology by providing an opportunity for them to participate in tribology research. The applicant must be enrolled in an engineering or science curriculum.

The Booser Scholarship provides $4,500 to the recipient in which $3,000 will be awarded initially. The remaining $1,500 will be awarded to the recipient upon receipt of their research report to STLE, which will be published in Tribology & Lubrication Technology (TLT) magazine, the official monthly publication of STLE. The recipient will also be recognized at the STLE Annual Meeting.

Selection is based on letter of recommendation from faculty advisor, relevance of the research to tribology, and quality of the proposed research experience.

The STLE Jeanie S. McCoy Scholarship is an international essay contest that is open to a deserving woman pursuing an education in and a future career in tribology. This scholarship is awarded in the spirit of Jeanie who began her successful career as a scientist in the 1940s when technical careers and societies were male dominated and challenging for women to gain entrance. Jeanie started her career working for The Hodson Oil Company and later with International Harvester Company, retiring in 1985. She then began a consulting company, Jeanie McCoy Technologies, focusing on the proper application and maintenance of metalworking fluids. Jeanie was a member of STLE for more than 65 years, joining in 1952. She served as editor of Lubrication Engineering, the technical magazine that eventually became TLT, for more than two decades. In 1989, she became the first woman STLE member to be elevated to the grade of Fellow, STLE’s highest honor for technical excellence. In 1991, Jeanie was awarded the P.M. Ku Meritorious Award for tirelessly serving STLE and its local sections throughout the world. In 2000, to recognize her outstanding lifetime contributions, she received the International Award, STLE’s highest honor, and later was named a Life Member of the society.

The applicant must be a female student who is enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree program and pursuing an engineering or science degree that will be applicable to a career in the field of tribology. The recipient is selected based on:

  • Quality of the submitted essay
  • Letter of recommendation from faculty advisor or educator
  • Extracurricular activities

The Jeanie S. McCoy Scholarship provides $5,000 to the recipient. The recipient’s essay submission will be published as a guest column in Tribology & Lubrication Technology (TLT) magazine, the official publication of STLE, and the recipient will also be recognized at the STLE Annual Meeting.

The STLE P.M. Ku Award recognizes outstanding and selfless achievements on behalf of the Society. It is given to an STLE member who most typifies the dedicated spirit of the late P.M. Ku, who worked tirelessly to promote and advance the mission of STLE. The recipient of the P.M. Ku Award is selected by the STLE Executive Committee. The award shall consist of a metal and plaque to be presented at the STLE Annual Meeting.


To qualify for the honor, the recipient must have been a member of the Society for at least 15 consecutive years and performed extensive, active, dedicated service for STLE.

Nomination Process

The nomination package should include three letters of support emphasizing the candidate's volunteer work on behalf of STLE, submitted from individuals familiar with the candidate's contributions and service to the Society.

Candidate documentation must be submitted by December 1, 2024. Selection announced approximately February 1 of the following year.


STLE Constitution & Bylaws

Article III, Section 1(g)

Fellow Members. Fellow Membership may be granted to any individual (hereinafter, a “Fellow member”) who, according to the Society’s Fellows Committee, has demonstrated outstanding personal achievements in the field of tribology and/or lubrication engineering, has been engaged in active practice in a science and/or engineering profession for a minimum of 20 years, and has been an STLE Member for a minimum of 10 years.



Any current STLE Member may propose any other STLE Member for Fellow Membership by submitting a completed Proposal for Fellow form to the Society (herein referred as "Presenter"). The Presenter is responsible for completing the Proposal form, as well as securing five letters of support for the candidate from STLE Members (herein referred as "Sponsors"), at least two of which must be STLE Fellows. A Fellows Committee Member may not be a Presenter or a Sponsor.


June 1, 2024                   Call For STLE Fellows Nomination Proposals

September 30, 2024    Completed proposal must be submitted to STLE Headquarters

December 31, 2024      Fellows Committee completes review and recommendations

January 2025                Recommendations are presented to the STLE Board of Directors

May 2025                      Fellow Membership is awarded at STLE Annual Meeting

Fellows Committee members will evaluate each Proposal individually to determine if the candidate meets the standard for outstanding personal achievement through significant contributions in management, education, research or technological areas in the field of tribology and/or lubrication engineering. Failure to qualify does not preclude submission of a new Proposal in the future.


The Fellows Committee shall evaluate each Proposal to determine whether the proposed candidate: 

 1. has met the practice and membership requirements set forth in the STLE Constitution and Bylaws; 

  • When not obvious from dates provided on the nominee’s vitae or nomination form, the presenter or sponsors should explicitly address how the nominee meets the years of practice requirement.      
  • Examples of evidence for the start of practice include the publication date of a graduate thesis, an archival research paper dealing with any aspect of tribology or lubrication engineering, and the hiring date for a job in the field of tribology and/or lubrication engineering.  
  • The start of a general undergraduate or technology degree in engineering is not considered to be start of practice, unless that degree explicitly states a major or minor in the field of tribology and/or lubrication engineering.
  • Time in practice can include professional employment in science or engineering, with cumulative assignments meeting the requirements being acceptable.
  • Student and affiliate memberships do not count toward membership years requirement. 

 2. has had five sponsorship letters from STLE members submitted on the candidate's behalf, two of which are     from STLE Fellows.

 3. has demonstrated outstanding personal achievement in the field of tribology and/or lubrication engineering.

The candidate’s accomplishments must be beyond those typically expected of a scientist or engineer in the field of tribology and/or lubrication engineering.

The candidate should be recognized as an outstanding authority as shown by one or more of the following:

  • they/them being responsible for significant and widely known improvements in the field
  • relevant publications, including any or all of the following: books, papers, patents, articles, presentations
  • examples of exceptional professional distinction in the candidate’s area of influence.


Sponsors should be as widely distributed as possible. Preferably not more than two should be submitted from any one organization. If this is impractical, the Presenter should provide the Fellows Committee with an explanation regarding the selection of Sponsors.

As indicated above, elevation to Fellow is limited to those individuals that have demonstrated outstanding personal achievement well above those normally expected. Therefore, it is very important that the Presenter and Sponsors provide specific details that clearly identify these significant accomplishments. The Sponsor letter should not be regarded as an endorsement but rather a verification of the outstanding personal achievements the proposed candidate has accomplished.


It is highly recommended that the support letters contains all or most of the elements outlined below. 

a)  Introduction containing the objective of the letter and your relationship to the proposed candidate.

b)  Describe how the candidate has demonstrated outstanding personal achievements in the field of tribology and/or lubrication engineering.

c)  Show that the candidate’s accomplishments are beyond those typically expected of a scientist or engineer in the field of tribology and/or lubrication engineering.

d)  Demonstrate that the candidate is recognized as an outstanding authority as shown by one or more of the following:

            i.  they/them being responsible for significant and widely known improvements in the field,

           ii.  relevant publications, including any or all of the following: books, papers, patents, articles, presentations,

           iii.  examples of exceptional professional distinction in the candidate’s area of influence.

e)  Summarize the above and reconfirm your support for the elevation of the candidate to the status of STLE Fellow.