2025 TLT Feature Article Idea Submission Form

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Each TLT feature article should be an in-depth exploration of a technical aspect in your area of expertise. These articles should include interviews with individuals who are technical and/or industry leaders in their field.

However, feature articles do not necessarily have to be about something new. They also can include a focus on important concepts or information that, while not new, have stood the test of time. Many STLE members are novices to the field of lubrication and need exposure to established ideas, concepts and information. TLT feature articles are an excellent place to discuss new ideas and developments and/or debate current theories or accepted practices.

Often features can be on a highly specific, narrowly defined topic. Identifying and describing a trend in lubrication engineering is an excellent concept for a feature.

Feature articles should be objective in nature and explore all sides of a technical issue. Sharing information and letting the reader make up his or her own mind is a good approach for a TLT feature article. Articles should not focus on specific brands or mention manufacturer names.

TLT feature articles should describe, discuss and debate:

  • New ideas, concepts and theories
  • Emerging technologies
  • New procedures
  • Trends relating to the group’s area of expertise
  • Issues of current interest.

Sample headlines from past TLT features include:

  • “Selecting Rolling Element Bearings for Modern Applications”
  • “Clean Grease is not An Oxymoron”
  • “Rethinking the Base Stock Equation”
  • “Hard-driving Lubrication: The Tribology of Computer Hard Drives”
  • “The Future of Sealing Technology”
  • “Air Compressor Lubricants: The Next Generation”
  • “Nanotribology: The Science of Thinking Small”
  • “Gas To Liquid: Transforming the Future of Lubricant Production”
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