2025 TLT Sounding Board Idea Submission Form
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This TLT editorial component is a short monthly survey of STLE’s membership. The idea is to elicit opinions, recommendations and information relating to a topic that most or all of the magazine’s readership can address.
Each month’s Sounding Board is comprised of three or four questions, all of which should address the same topic. The first type is an open-ended (opinion) question that requires a written response. The second type is a quantitative question that can be answered by checking a box, either Yes/No or multiple-choice.
Examples of open-ended questions:
• Please describe the most impressive piece of technology you’ve encountered in the past year.
• Please describe a recurring tribology headache you’ve encountered and the resolution of the problem.
• Briefly describe your organization’s success in establishing and using lubrication-scheduling programs.
• Please describe any techniques or practices that have helped you control contamination of lubricants.
• Please describe a tribological problem that you solved using synthetic lubricants.
• Please describe the greatest benefits to be derived from the development of a multipurpose/universal oil.
Examples of quantitative questions:
• Other than cost, have you noticed any negative effects when using synthetic lubricants? Yes/No
• What is the single greatest source of contamination?
- Enters through seals
- Added through other lubricants
- Internal generation through rust/corrosion
• Do you think dedicating resources to develop multipurpose oils/fluids is a good idea, or should those resources be devoted to other resource projects?
- Develop multipurpose oils
- Devote those resources to other research projects.